Anisa and me at the lake
Lunch Line
Enjoying the nice weather up at the lake
Steam Shovel Parking Lot
Great Reception
Look at the bars I got on my Garmin 60CSx at the top of Provo Peak, about 11500 ft.
Peaks & Valleys
A view of Timpanogos, Cascade and Squaw Peaks from the side of Provo
Peak. Also shows the Squaw Peak road as it drops down into Rock Canyon.
Nutmeg eating some snow on the side of Provo Peak
Looking towards Timpanigos
You can just see the tip of Timpanogos Peak over the top of Cascade
Mountain from this spot on the trail to Provo Peak
Flowers on the trail
Looking down on the back of Y Mountain Peak
Just a few min into my climb, looking back, I gaze down on the peaks I
work so hard to climb two weeks ago.
Provo Peakfrom the trailhead
Smoothy Woman
This woman fixed me a mango smoothy (no sugar) at the Provo farmers
High brush hiking
Mike ona break
Rocks in Slate Canyon
Scott and his pet
Walter by the 'layers'
Front of the line
The iPhone 3G line is now at the front door, the excitement is palpable.
Sprinklers go on and send the line into a frenzy!
Carley's comfortable sleeping position
The Apple guy making sure everyone in line is ready with info and IDs
The Apple guy making sure everyone in line is ready with info and IDs. For some reason he didn't want his photo 'posted to flickr' so I made it blury.
Sent from my iPhone
Our sprinkler safe spot
> Carley and I have chairs in line but we are hanging out across the
> road until the sprinklers finish running.
The back half of the line
The front half of the line at Apple Store in SLC
The Lunch Group